Běla Plechanovová


Voting power computation

This site provides link to the site allowing to setup and run applications for voting power computations to analyse weighted voting rules in the legislative body called Council of the European Union  also known as Council of the Ministers or simply Council.

The applications compute various actors (states) indices, among other e.g. Penrose (Banzhaf absolute), Banzhaf relative, Coleman to prevent action, Coleman to initiate action and Equitability as well as some overall indices assessing the decision making rules, e.g. Power to act (Coleman) and Resistance (Felsenthal-Machover).

Applications are fully parametrized, allow to use single, double or triple majority to analyse any known and proposed exact voting rules (e.g., EEC/EU Council original rules, Nice, Lisbon, Jagiellonian Compromise and possibly others) for up to 50 actors (states).
